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钢琴谱:回忆Thinking 起 Back从前

音乐人/SilverRay 814次 4次 难度:5级
回忆Thinking 起 Back从前-SilverRay钢琴谱

这是我第四次写谱,上几次上传都没有成功,试了好几次了<br> 所以就又写了一首<br> 希望大家喜欢<br> 谢谢<br> <br> To all my friends:<br> <br> Time passes, things change<br> but one thing will always stay the same--our friendship<br> That is what brings us together, even if were far apart<br> <br> Thinking back, I wish some things mightve been different...<br> but I guess some things are just not meant to happen...<br> Sometimes I wish that the bad memories would just fade away... but without memories, there would be no point...<br> <br> Wishing u all a great summer and enjoy the schoolyear!

回忆Thinking 起 Back从前SilverRay



