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钢琴谱:The Big Bang Theory Theme song

音乐人/Barenaked Ladies 2212次 37次 难度:1级
The Big Bang Theory Theme song-Barenaked Ladies钢琴谱

"The Big Bang Theory Theme song" is wrote and recorded by the Canadian alternative rock band Barenaked Ladies, which describes the history and formation of the universe and the Earth. Ed Robertson, lead singer and guitarist in the band, was asked by Lorre and Prady to write a theme song for the show. Having been asked to write songs for other films and shows only to have them rejected in favor of another artists, Robertson agreed to write a theme only after learning that he was the sole writer whom Lorre and Prady had asked. He drew inspiration from Simon Singhs book, Big Bang, which he had coincidentally just finished reading. On October 9, 2007, a full-length (1 minute and 45 seconds) version of the song was released commercially. Although some sources identify the song title as "History of Everything", the cover art for the single identifies the title as Big Bang Theory Theme. A music video was also released via special features on The Complete Fourth Season DVD and Blu-ray set. The theme was included on the bands greatest hits album, Hits from Yesterday & the Day Before, which was released on September 27, 2011. "The Big Bang Theory Theme song" is well known by people and if you like it, you can also download free The Big Bang Theory Theme song sheet music to play with Everyone Piano. Just Enjoy It!

The Big Bang Theory Theme songBarenaked Ladies




  • 绮----

    我们就是传说中的“书呆子” 喜欢看书学习,钻研稀奇古怪的学科 漫画狂魔,不懂衣着 头脑灵活,四肢笨拙 口无遮拦,擅长唠死磕(我是聊天终结者) 脱离生活,不懂幽默 患失患得,尖酸木讷 我们是讷中之讷!Nerd!

    2楼 2024年04月29日

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    1楼 2018年08月13日