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钢琴谱:Native Faith-Touhou Fūjinroku ~ Mountain of Faith BGM

音乐人/Touhou Project 2058次 9次 难度:10级
Native Faith-Touhou Fūjinroku ~ Mountain of Faith BGM-Touhou Project钢琴谱

Native Faith Native Faith is used as the background music of Touhou Fūjinroku ~ Mountain of Faith. Touhou Fūjinroku ~ Mountain of Faith (東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith. lit. Eastern Wind God Chronicles) is the tenth game of the Touhou Project, according to the official numbering by its creator ZUN of Team Shanghai Alice. Like the majority of the Touhou Project games, Mountain of Faith is a doujin scrolling shooter, albeit with a major revamp from its predecessors. The game was released in the Comiket 72 in August 2007.

Native Faith-Touhou Fūjinroku ~ Mountain of Faith BGMTouhou Project



